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AI Finance “AIZEN Global” Fully Expands its “Banking Service” Ecosyste…

Mar. 02. 2022

AI Finance “AIZEN Global” Fully Expands its “Banking Service” Ecosyste…



Artificial intelligence (AI) is applied to different fields in finance, and the transition to digital and Fintech is rapidly increasing. AIZEN Global uses AI banking technology to expand financial services to e-commerce and electric vehicle (e-vehicle) battery industries, thereby fully expanding the data economy. We developed “Credit Connect” connecting financial institutions and industries to possibly provide “banking services” to nonfinancial industries. Our calculating platform is based on online businesses that have applied “Credit Connect,” so we can speedily offer financial services to the businesses based on information gathered from up to 45 malls. In the e-vehicle battery industry, the clients’ credit decision-making, which used to be difficult to evaluate using the existing data, is meticulously analyzed using the AI of “Credit Connect.” We are now focusing on expanding our financial services.

AIZEN Global has recently been ranked the top second among global companies by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and one of the top 10 responsible AI companies. As such, we have expanded our financial technologies using “reinforcement learning.” We are changing our ecosystem to convert diverse nonfinancial data with credit technology using AI financial models and provide “banking services.” In particular, we are expanding the automated elemental technologies necessary for loaning processes, securing patents for them, combining various data, and strengthening the automation of decision-making based on AI finance models. So far, we have made it possible to supply credit by connecting data platforms and financial institutions with speedy financial decision-making based on the client information of the rapidly changing e-commerce, battery market, and other new data platforms.